Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

Ridiculous Moment

Getting confused w/ the late M period and the 'morning sickness' alike, I did the rapid pregnancy test -haha. And that was very depressing moments since I am all alone here without any relatives, it's all new to me, plus physical strength is indeed needed for daily activities as I take a walk everywhere (yup, long live public transport! -.-'). Taking the test feels like dilemma between expecting it to happen, and worrying the risks of being pregnant here. I took twice rapid test, the first one in 2nd august in the early morning coz websites suggest that the highest amount of HCG (hormone pregnant women had) is in the morning. Tic toc...tic strip...which means...negative! 
Then, I sent an sms to my hubby, I didn't know that he would feel a bit dissapointed *sorry hon :D. Well, the first test was not convincing enough for me, so I had my second test again in the evening before I did ifthar (break fast). And...still, the same result!
And, the result turned out to be very clear since I had my period couple days ago, meaning that I might get stressed or physiological things goin' on. Yeah right, being in such a new place, new country got me stress I guess.
Well, it's quite funny how I had already think about the risks and looking for solution all day-night long for something that was actually had not happened :)
Yup, Alloh knows the best for His ummat.

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