Beasiswa ke Jepang 2012
Sekedar sharing informasi yang saya peroleh dari forum alumni di salah satu jejaring sosial (bisa ditebak jejaring yang mana :D). Untuk rekan-rekan scholarship hunter bin fighter yang pengen dapet beasiswa lanjut kuliah ke Jepang, sudah dibuka beasiswa INPEX 2013. Detailnya bisa dibuka di link di bawah ini:
Meski di situ ditulis natural science, tapi dari 2 orang yg diterima tahun lalu dari Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Mesin UGM, jadi mungkin maksudnya MIPA or Teknik :D
The deadline for application is November 15, 2012
All of the following conditions should be satisfied.
(1) Those who have the nationality of the Republic of Indonesia and have studied the course of Natural Science in the prestigious universities in Indonesia with more than 16 years of school education, and are not more than 30 years of age when application is submitted, having “SARJANA” Degree.
(2) Those who have the aim to study the course of Natural Science in the master,s programs of university in Japan, and were permitted or are expected to be permitted to enter the university.
(3) Those who have excellent results of school record, (cumulative GPA : more than 3.0) and are in good health.
(4) Those who have been permitted to get the scholarship of the FOUNDATION by their
belonging institutes, universities or companies.
(5) Those who have interest in the friendly relations between the Republic of Indonesia and Japan and are prepared to contribute to the promotion of such relations.
(6) Those who had not or have not been awarded similar scholarships in Japan or in developed countries
Less than THREE (3) students will be accepted for the 2013 scholarship program.
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